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What is the Unilevel Earnings Plan?

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What is the Unilevel Earnings Plan?

Among the network marketing earnings plans, the most preferred earnings plan is unilevel. Many companies have adopted the unilevel network marketing plan as a gain and managed to create a serious network. Let's examine what is the unilevel earnings plan?

In the Unilevel earnings plan, members can add as many members as they want to their sub-teams. There are no restrictions. The product is a particularly preferred plan in networks. Members earn money on their members' purchases or other transactions, which they add to their teams unlimitedly. In this structure, conditions such as arm balance and matching are not included.

Today, the unilevel earnings plan has been heavily changed and conditions are added in network marketing structures. Members are added to the first line, such as the conditions to add members to the first line or the conditions required to earn earnings from the second line.
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